Got Mold? Prevention, Inspection and Remediation of home mold with Brandon Roby

Aug 22, 2024 | mold illness, Women's Health

Welcome back to the Full Capacity Living Podcast!

We took a bit of a break over the summer but as the air becomes a bit cooler and the clouds start looking like fall we are back at it.

I do love all of the amazing people I have had the opportunity to meet as a result of this podcast so I am happy to be here again.

This podcast was recorded before our summer break so you will hear Brandon reference the time of year which was early spring.  That is pertinent to the topic as we are talking about mold and water damage is a large component of that.

So I have had functional medicine mold experts on the podcast, namely Jill Crista which was episode 24 ( I will link the podcast episode in the show notes if you would like to go back and listen to that one …so full of helpful information truly.

But today I have Brandon Roby from Buckeye Advanced Remediation here to talk about mold inspection, remediation and prevention.

I have to say this conversation was incredibly eye opening for me and I know about mold!!

I am certain you will find nuggets of wisdom here that will help you keep your house free of mold or help you remediate the right way and hopefully the honest way if you have a mold issue now.

We talk about….

  • Prevention of mold which is where we should start.

We talk about why you might not want to finish your basement or if you do how to do it the right way.

  • What questions to ask an inspector or remediator
  • Here’s a nugget – he states that 60-70% of waterproofing jobs are not needed!!
  • We talk standards for attic ventilation – new home builders pay attention and check out your own attic
  • The standards that an inspector or remediator should be following
  • How to know at the end of a cleaning whether it was done correctly
  • Prevention of mold which is where we should start.

I’m telling you this podcast has so much incredible information and helpful information for home buyers, home remodelers, owners of old and new homes and those who are not sure if mold is really the culprit.

What I really loved about this conversation with Brandon is he has integrity in his business…he is there to truly help people and wants those with a mold issue not get taken advantage of.

I also want to add if you think you have a mold issue or your symptoms might be related to mold whatever they are (brain fog, sinus issues, body aches…random symptoms) please reach out and I can help you find the best medical professionals to support your health and get rid of the mold.  Just so you know…mold can stay in the body and affect your health now when you might have been exposed many years ago in a place you no longer live in.


Amazon hygrometer – between 30-50

IICRCS520 standard link:

The principles of attic ventilation – air vent is the company